Website. Each week students go to my private website area and pick up their assignment, which contains a parent overview for the week, day-by-day directions with examples, vocabulary, lit questions, checklist, and more.
Meeting Room. We meet in our Adobe Connect classroom. Using colorful PowerPoints, I teach the writing model and grammar, students ask and answer questions, read their paragraphs, and play games for an engaging session as we learn the IEW's Structure and Style with MLA documentation. Next, I explain the checklist for the assignment, go over the Fix It Grammar, and introduce Learn It! for the next week. We discuss literature.
Messages. Students may email me any questions they have and I respond swiftly since I know they're working on it!
Submitting Assignments. Students submit their assignments as an attached Microsoft Word document in their email message on Monday. All students receive timely, personalized feedback on every assignment. This consistent interaction empowers students as they learn from their mistakes and understand what works, building skills. They learn what to do and how to do it!
Fix It Grammar. While concepts build incrementally throughout the series, each Fix It Grammar level begins with a review and practice of basic concepts so students with other grammar experience or previous Fix It Grammar knowledge will practice the basics before learning new ideas.
Each level features concepts not emphasized in the other books and levels, so all students are challenged with new material. In class I review the main grammar principles in each passage and teach the new Learn It! concepts.
Fix It Grammar is fun! I've been teaching Fix It in my IEW Online classes and I've worked through all the levels myself, so I'm very familiar with it! Questions? Contact me.
Literature. I want students to enjoy literature, so my assignments have vocabulary and just a few questions, so reading remains fun. In class we discuss it and learn the elements of fiction. I use Teaching the Classics to teach the elements of fiction.
TECH REQUIREMENTS. Along with their books, each student will need:
a computer with high-speed Internet
a microphone and working webcam
Microsoft Word (or equivalent)
a quiet environment during class period
an email address for their student account (a parent’s email is okay. Parents are copied on all email messages.)
Classes are Recorded. If students are sick and miss class, they may access the archived session.
Parent Responsibilities. Parents are the primary educators. I come alongside you to teach the writing concepts and grammar, explain stylistic techniques, discuss literature, and play games that reinforce concepts I teach. You provide the quiet learning environment, keep your students on task during class time, review lessons, and ensure that coursework is properly completed and submitted.
Questions about class placement? Contact me. I’d be glad to help!
IEW is the award-winning Structure and Style Method for teaching writing. Rather than facing a writing prompt and the dreaded “blank page,” students are taught and practice nine writing models with sentence and paragraph style in each assignment. These writing models are useful for other assignments, too, so students know what to do and how to do it! It's energizing when students become consistent, confident, and competent. They shout, "I can do this!"
As an experienced IEW Certified Instructor and an IEW Online Instructor with decades of teaching experience, you can trust that I will teach the Structure and Style method with fidelity.
Structure and Style for Students (SSS) video lessons are not a prerequisite for my IEW writing classes.
Need more about the IEW method? Watch Andrew Pudewa’s Introduction to IEW’s Structure and Style Method here.